
Natural Remedies to Help Your Hair Grow Faster

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A long-haired woman holding a comb and scissors with the title "15 of the Most Effective Natural Remedies for Fast Hair Growth."

Anger. Frustration. Aggravation. All three are common emotions experienced by women trying to achieve faster hair growth, and rightfully so. We always try to find proven tips that are boasted, but in reality they don't do what they are expected to do.

Hair growth is tricky territory filled with quicksand traps we should avoid. First, you have the "miracle hair growth" products that promiseinches of growth injust a few short weeks. Then, there's the overwhelming amount of unproven "fast hair growth tips". All of these do more harm than good and never live up to their potential.

But we have some good news too! Faster hair growth is indeed possible. And it can be achievednaturally without investing large amounts of time or money, and without risking damage to your hair.

Many scientists have been conducting research on hair growth and they have found that hair growth is possible with a healthy diet which provides the proper protein to hair. Thus your number one priority when trying to grow your hair should be eating right. Be sure to also take the supplements, especially vitamin A which is essential for hair and nail growth.

A woman holding her hair.

Below, I've provided you a list of the top fifteen most popular and effective ways to grow your hair faster. Use as many of these as possible and you'll have an excellent chance to finally see the results you've been looking for.

Natural Diet-Based Remedies for Fast Hair Growth

High-Protein Diet

Your hair consists of keratin, a protein-laden amino acid that has been found to boost hair growth. This means the less protein you consume, the less keratin your body creates. Up your daily protein intake and you'll speed up hair growth.

Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins contain biotin, iron and folic acid in a larger amount than traditional vitamins. These minerals are linked to faster hair growth and stronger hair.


Cysteine is another amino acid that some researches believe can help grow hair faster. It is an anti-oxidant found in protein-rich foods.. Following a high-protein diet will naturally increase cysteine intake. It is also found in certain wheat products, including granola, oat bran, and couscous.

Natural Damage Prevention Remedies for Fast Hair Growth

Reduce Hair Washing

Washing your hair daily does more damage than good. The ingredients in shampoos strip the hair of natural oils, which can slow hair growth. Washing every other day should be a good starting point.

Regular Trims

A woman washing her hair with shampoo.

While the trim itself doesn't make hair grow faster, it prevents split-ends and breaks, both of which can sabotage hair growth and decrease your hair's appearance. Aim for a trim every six-to-eight weeks and you would see the result.

Flip Your Hair Down

Yes, you read that right. Flipping your hair over your head and letting it hang for a short period of time each day can speed up hair growth. Doing it for 3-5 minutes each day increases blood flow to your hair, which brings additional nutrients and oxygen that promote hair growth.

Lower Stress Levels

Stress has been found to disrupt your hair's natural growth cycle. And the more stress you have, the slower the rate of growth. Effective ways to lower your stress levels include meditation, more sleep, and deep breathing.

Comb When Wet

Brushes are our best friends, but when our hair is wet, the wide-toothed comb needs to come out. Thicker brushes can damage and break wet hair, while wide-toothed comes are much gentler.

Handle with Care

Pay attention to the protection of your hair at all times. Avoid heat as much as possible. Gently run your hands through it. Avoid playing with it. The better the condition of your hair, the faster it will grow.

The video below shows some home remedies for hair growth

Natural Treatment Remedies for Fast Hair Growth

Hot Oil Treatments

Hot oil treatments are very effective at boosting hair growth. Castor oil and coconut oil are frequently acknowledged as the best options.

Egg White Treatments

The vitamins and minerals found in egg whites have long been linked to faster hair growth. Just make sure you remove the yolks first.

Herbal Treatments

Herbal treatments can be used as rinses for hair to help stimulate hair growth. Rosemary is a favorite among users due to its inherent ability to stimulate hair follicles.

Aloe Vera & Onion juice

Aloe Vera helps remove excess sebum, a substance secreted by hair glands that is linked to slower hair growth. It also helps increase blood circulation. Onion juice is rich in sulfur and stimulates hair follicles to promote faster hair growth.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar does a couple of important things to promote faster hair growth. First one, it naturally stimulates hair follicles. Two, it maintains a balanced pH level in your hair, which is important for stripping away build-up from styling products and preventing additional damage.


While not an actual hair treatment, exercise is a very powerful contributor to faster hair growth. It significantly increases blood flow throughout the body, thus delivering more oxygen and nutrients – both of which deliver growth-boosting "good stuff" to your hair's roots.

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Natural Remedies to Help Your Hair Grow Faster


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