
Abstract the International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications - perrodinshandid

Free Scopus Indexed Journals with High Impact Factor

Free Scopus Indexed Journals with High Impact Factor

Somasundaram R

1. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies


  • Conceptual systemic models, applications of systemic methodologies
  • Applied [socio]cybernetics, ethical/living systems
  • Complexity, chaos, self-organization, [meta]control, viable systems
  • Creativity, innovation, critical systems thinking, strategic/procedural systems design
  • Digital service/workflow/legal systems, TQM, total systems intervention
  • Education/learning communities, virtual enterprises/communities
  • Emergence and neocybernetics, knowledge cybernetics systems
  • Human-centered systems, human-computer interaction
  • Interorganisational approaches, process re-engineering
  • Modeling/simulation, multiagent-based systems, pattern recognition systems
  • Networks/global dynamics, system dynamics, new agora, and global marketing
  • Problem structuring/design systems, semantics, knowledge representation
  • Social systems design and simulation, systemic multi-methodologies
  • Systemic leadership/change, ontologies, systems thinking/archetypes
  • Systems/metasystems and decisions/meta decisions, decision support systems

Free Scopus Indexed Journals with High Impact Factor

2. International Journal Computational Vision and Robotics


  • Early vision, vision systems
  • Computer vision, AI applications
  • Computer games and animation
  • Computational geometry
  • Shape/range/motion analysis
  • Signal/image processing
  • Image matching, medical imaging
  • Pattern/face recognition
  • Architecture, languages
  • Parallel computer vision
  • Interactive computational models
  • Biological vision, alternative eyes
  • 3D vision/perception
  • Cognition
  • Robotics, multi-sensory data fusion

3. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control


  • Dynamic modeling theories/techniques/computational algorithms
  • Application examples of the above
  • Novel and unconventional linear system modeling techniques
  • System identification, particularly nonlinear system identification
  • Model validation
  • Various control techniques
  • Nonlinear system control
  • Robotics
  • Mechatronic system modeling, identification, and control
  • Biological system modeling, identification, and control
  • Neural network, fuzzy logic enhanced modeling, identification, and control
  • Complementary medical system modeling and identification
  • Wide range representative application examples
  • Quantitative economic/financial and other social system modeling/identification

4. International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion


  • Power system modeling and analysis
  • Computing and economics
  • FACTS and HVDC
  • Challenges in restructured energy systems
  • Power system control, operation, communications, SCADA
  • Power system relaying/protection
  • Energy management systems/distribution automation
  • Applications of power electronics to power systems
  • Power quality
  • Distributed generation and renewable energy sources
  • Electrical machines and drives
  • Utilization of electrical energy
  • Modeling and control of machines
  • Fault diagnosis in machines and drives
  • Special machines

5. International Journal of Power Electronics


  • Advanced power semiconductor devices
  • Modeling, simulation, analysis, design, and implementations of the application of power circuit components (power semiconductors, inductors, high-frequency transformers, capacitors)
  • Inverters, converters, controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers
  • Control algorithms and techniques applied to power electronics
  • Electromagnetic and thermal performance of electronic power converters and inverters
  • Applications in motor drives, wind energy systems, solar, battery chargers, UPS and hybrid systems
  • Low power electronics
  • EMI/EMC considerations

6. International Journal of Sensor Networks


  • Energy efficiency, energy efficient protocols
  • Applications
  • Location techniques, routing, medium access control
  • Coverage, connectivity, longevity, scheduling, synchronization
  • Network resource management, network protocols, lightweight protocols
  • Fault tolerance/diagnostics
  • Foundations
  • Data storage, query processing, system architectures, operating systems
  • In-network processing and aggregation
  • Learning of models from data
  • Mobility
  • Performance analysis
  • Sensor tasking and control
  • Security, privacy, data integrity
  • Modeling of systems/physical environments, simulation tools/environments

7. International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering


  • Signal Systems Engineering
  • Signal systems
  • Signal processing
  • Technologies
  • Multimedia content processing
  • Multimedia data compression
  • Multimedia systems
  • Metadata and media abstracts
  • Imaging Systems Engineering
  • Detectors and image formation
  • Image system design, image instrumentation/measuring techniques
  • Nanoimaging, molecular nanophotonics
  • Emerging detection/imaging technologies
  • Linear and nonlinear techniques for image processing
  • Applications

8. International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications


  • Information-based control systems
  • Distributed and cooperative control systems
  • Networked control systems (NCS)
  • Wired and wireless networks
  • Network control (admission/flow/congestion control, etc.)
  • Network scheduling and bandwidth allocation
  • Informatics in control and communication
  • Cyber-physical systems (CPSs)
  • Sensor and actuator networks
  • Multi-agent systems
  • Case studies and applications

9. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering


  • Scientific and engineering computing, related/interdisciplinary applications
  • Problem-solving environments, complex systems
  • Advanced numerical computation and optimisation
  • Parallel and distributed computing
  • Programming models in GPU, multi/many-core and cloud
  • Quantum computing technologies and applications
  • Distributed/federated information; knowledge management/discovery
  • Blockchain
  • Cybersecurity and cryptography
  • Origami Engineering
  • Performance modelling, evaluation and optimisation
  • Modelling/simulation, visualisation
  • Remote sensing and multi/hyperspectral imaging
  • Big data mining/applications, data analytics algorithms/applications
  • Machine learning, statistics, deep learning, and artificial intelligence

10. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology


  • Software tools
  • Standards and specifications
  • Optimization technology
  • Algorithms development
  • Simulation technology
  • Product lifecycle management
  • Advanced manufacturing technology
  • Data mining
  • Supply chain

11. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology


  • Computer applications in engineering and technology
  • Computer control system design
  • CAD/CAM, CAE, CIM, and robotics
  • Computer applications in knowledge-based and expert systems
  • Computer applications in information technology and communication
  • Computer-integrated material processing (CIMP)
  • Computer-aided learning (CAL)
  • Computer modeling and simulation
  • Synthetic approach for engineering
  • Man-machine interface
  • Software engineering and management
  • Management techniques and methods
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Real-time systems

12. International Journal of Technology Management


  • Competitiveness and cooperation
  • Knowledge assets
  • Globalization, business/government relations
  • Productivity, efficiency, quality
  • Sourcing, technology transfer/licensing
  • Strategic planning, technology management/policies
  • R&D and design management
  • Multinational corporations, innovation, new technology, IT
  • Management of production systems, factory, and office automation
  • R&D/manufacturing/marketing and after-market interface
  • International technology management policy and strategy
  • Legal aspects and financial considerations
  • Investment patterns and opportunities
  • Technology monitoring, audit, evaluation
  • Technology relations/trends, esp. in the Far East, South Pacific, emerging markets

13. International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation


  • Analysis and computational methods; heat transfer; experimental investigations; aerodynamics; combustion; chemical reaction and mixing; multiphase flow modeling
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach to different engineering systems
  • Dynamic modeling theories, techniques, and application examples of engineering systems
  • Experimental study and/or measurement technology of engineering systems
  • Manufacturing processes; process modeling
  • Performance modeling of automobiles (consumer vehicles, commercial vehicles, and racing vehicles)
  • Structure vibrations; acoustics
  • Various engineering system control and simulation
  • Optimization of engineering systems
  • Signal processing and identification
  • Other relevant topics

14. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications


  • Robotics and mechatronics technologies
  • Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems technologies
  • Real-time computing and its algorithms
  • Embedded systems technologies
  • Actuators and sensors
  • Mico/nanotechnologies
  • Sensing and multiple sensor fusion
  • Machine vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and speech recognition and synthesis
  • Motion/force sensing and control
  • Intelligent product design, configuration, and evaluation
  • Real-time learning and machine behaviors
  • Fault detection, fault analysis, and diagnostics
  • Digital communications and mobile computing
  • CAD and object-oriented simulations

15. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions

Networked system architecture and protocols
Networked system services and applications
Networked system security, privacy and trust
Digital crypto-currencies in networked systems
Incentives in networked systems
Malware and ransomware targeting networked systems
Rootkit and bootkit targeting networked systems
Security vulnerabilities in networked systems
Offensive security for networked systems

16. International Journal of Security and Networks


  • Cellular networks, wireless LANs, PANs, MANs, sensor/ad hoc networks
  • Mobile IP, IP and satellite networks, wireless internet/communications
  • Wired/wireless integrated networks
  • Internet/WWW, high-speed/P2P networks, VoIP, e-mail
  • Optical systems/networks, integrated/content-delivery networks
  • Domain name service, communications, distributed systems
  • Attacks, security mechanisms/services, authentication/ authorization, access control
  • Multicast security, data confidentiality/integrity, on-repudiation
  • Firewalls, privacy protection, security specification, encryption/decryption
  • Formal analyses, group communications, intrusion detection, anonymity
  • Key management, trust establishment, malicious parties' revocation, security policies
  • Fraudulent usage, prevention of traffic analysis, denial of service
  • PHY/MAC/routing protocols, dependability/reliability, secure location determination
  • Performance evaluation, performance/security tradeoff analysis
  • Network forensics, design/analysis of security protocols, security standards

17. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering


  • Integrating complex meta-systems
  • Interoperability, platform integration, system architecture, and information technology
  • The metropolitan transportation system of systems
  • Sustainable development and large scale system of systems integration, e.g. technology, ecosystems, economics, societal aspects
  • Satellite technology assisting critical infrastructures operation and secure management
  • Homeland security aspects and traceability of large-scale logistic systems
  • National security as a system of systems conceptualized an approach
  • Modeling and management in view of extended dimensions and interdependencies, etc.

18. Cybernetics and Information Technologies


  • information processes and systems,
  • operational research,
  • pattern recognition,
  • signal and image processing,
  • artificial intelligence, linguistic modeling,
  • control theory and applications,
  • high-performance computing,
  • scientific computations,
  • computer communication technologies,
  • software technologies,
  • information technologies in education (the list is not exhausting).

19. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research


  • AI in Modelling and Simulation,
  • AI in Scheduling and Optimization,
  • Automated Reasoning and Inference,
  • Bioinformatics,
  • Cognitive Aspects of AI,
  • Computer Vision and Speech Understanding,
  • Data Mining,
  • Distributed Intelligent Processing,
  • Evolutionary Design,
  • Expert Systems,
  • Fuzzy Modelling and Control,
  • Hardware Implementations,
  • Heuristic Search,
  • Hybrid Models,
  • Information Retrieval,
  • Intelligent Database Systems,
  • Knowledge Engineering,
  • Mechatronics,
  • Multi-agent Systems,
  • Natural Language Processing,
  • Neural Network Theory and Architectures,
  • Neuro-informatics and Bio-inspired Models,
  • Pattern Recognition,
  • Robotics and Related Fields,
  • Rough Sets Theory: Foundations and Applications,
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning,
  • Swarm Intelligence and Systems,
  • Web Intelligence Applications & Search,

Various Applications.

Abstract the International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications


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