
Natural Gas Control Kit W Service Tool 160

Why You Should Consider a Gas Fireplace

By definition, a gas fireplace is designed to burn natural or propane gas only and cannot burn wood. Many people directly associate gas fireplaces with what is actually a set of gas logs or gas fireplace inserts. These are used to convert existing wood burning fireplaces to gas-burning applications only. But, purpose-built prefabricated gas fireplaces offer so much more.

Sure, you can opt for gas inserts or gas logs to retrofit an existing wood-burning unit if you have a chimney. What if you don't have an existing fireplace or chimney system? A prefabricated fireplace is a perfect solution! It comes with its own firebox and gas burner assembly as an integral part of the package.

Unlike wood burning fireplaces, gas fireplaces cannot be converted to burn solid fuels. They have built-in burners that are engineered for use with each specific model. So, they lack the provision or insulation to be backward compatible with wood-burning applications. This is not a bad thing. Statistically, it's very rare for a customer to go back to a wood burning fireplace after switching to gas. Whether it be lack of available fuel logs or just the amount of labor required to maintain wood fireplaces, a gas fireplace is a natural transition.

Plus, gas inserts or logs are restricted by the location of your existing fireplace. Prefabricated gas fireplaces do not need a masonry chimney. And, they can be installed almost anywhere in your home — the living room, bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen!

Gas models range from 12 to 72 inches in size and have a range of installation options! You can't find this level of versatility with a wood fireplace. Whether you want your fireplace built into a corner or peninsula or mounted on a wall, you can do it. Choose from contemporary linear designs, see-through models, or standard constructions. All are possibilities with a gas fireplace.

They also offer better heating efficiency and a cleaner burn. This means more heat and better air quality for your home.

No more lifting heavy wood or wasting toasty heat up your chimney. Most importantly, no more having to worry with sourcing enough wood fuel for the winter! As available fuel reserves continue to dwindle, many will find that it can be difficult to continue using a wood burning fireplace as a primary heat source.

Gas appliances make life so much easier and cost-effective. This is especially true with the right venting system. Think about the ignition difference between a gas fireplace and a wood-burning one. The processes are like night and day.

To ignite your wood fireplace, the process is longer. It's also more strenuous and labor-intensive. Plus, it requires ongoing work. Gas units need a spark from a lighter or match, a flick of a switch, or a push of a button to produce beautiful flames.

This is not to diminish the rustic charm of wood burning fireplaces. We'll admit that it's hard to compete with the crackling sounds of real tinder. But, for working adults, these units may not be the most practical or convenient options. Why not experience a more trouble-free option offered with a gas fireplace?

Why Choosing the Right Venting System is So Important

At this point, you probably agree that gas units have more convenient venting options. So, how do you decide which venting method is best for your home? In this section, we cover the three venting methods available to you. These include natural vent or B-vent, direct vent, and vent-free or ventless systems. You'll learn the advantages and disadvantages of each. No matter which option you choose, proper venting makes all the difference. It impacts expenses, efficiency, and Eco-friendliness.

Natural Vent or B-Vent

Although called by many names such as standard venting, chimney venting, or type-B venting, this system is the most familiar. Think about it. Most people associate a fireplace with a chimney and wood logs.

This idea is singed into the fabric of American culture. It is reinforced by holidays and popular images of iconic figures like Santa Claus. The real question speaks to the heating effectiveness of this venting method. After all, isn't the real purpose of a fireplace to keep you warm?

Believe it or not, heating efficiency is not a deal breaker for everyone. Choosing the right venting greatly depends on the intended uses for your fireplace. If you're seeking an alternative heating source, an open-face, chimney-vented appliance will not get the job done. Here's why.

First, a gas fireplace with a Type B vent has the same operation of a wood-burning fireplace. In fact, the basic premise of this type of venting mirrors the venting system used in a wood-burning unit. The only difference lies in the materials used to produce the vent and the integral gas burner and valve system found in gas models. With B-venting, the chimney provides a means for the flue gases to exit the home. But, that's not all that escapes.

Advantages: B-vent models use natural vent piping instead of an air-cooled chimney system. This venting is smaller in overall diameter and can fit into closer quarters. Some models of B-vent fireplace generate up to 40k BTUs of sizzling heat. Their double-walled venting pipes are made from aluminum and galvanized steel. These pipes work well to suction exhaust from the home through the chimney chase.

However, this method for expelling unwanted pollutants also expels much of the heat. Because of this, naturally-vented units only produce direct, radiant heat. This explains why most people have to sit near an open-faced fireplace for warmth.

With this in mind, chimney-vented appliances are perfect for homes located in warmer climates where aesthetics take precedence over efficiency. No other hearth appliance can match the coziness that an open-faced fireplace brings.

Disadvantages: Home efficiency and heat retention now rank high on many homeowners' checklists. Thus, B-vent hearth appliances are becoming less prevalent. Despite the large amounts of heat produced within the firebox, appliances vented in this fashion lose most of their heat to the vent.

The remaining heat fails to warm areas outside of the immediate perimeter of the unit. The lost heat poses issues with heating efficiency and fueling expenses. Yes, that's right. Type B vented appliances need more fuel to keep up with heating demands for the home. So, unless you intend to use your fireplace primarily for aesthetics, this venting option is not right for you.

In addition, these units require an entirely vertical chimney system. This means they are not practical unless you have the ability to install a venting system up through the roof of your home. A more versatile venting option is direct-venting.


One of the most versatile and efficient venting methods available is direct-venting. Direct vent fireplace models use either a coaxial or colinear piping system. These can be vented directly through an exterior wall, the ceiling, or an existing prefabricated chimney within your home. So, how does it work?

It's really quite simple. The co-axial vent system consists of two pipes — a small pipe within a larger outer pipe. The small pipe vents exhaust gases to the outdoors. And, the outer larger pipe pulls in oxygen from outside the home to fuel the flames.

The outer pipe also acts as an insulator. It keeps the temperature of the vent system cooler to prevent the transference of heat to combustible framing and coverings. The fireplace does not use any combustion air from the room, which means better air quality and thermal efficiency for your home. It is also sealed by a solid pane of tempered or ceramic glass across the fireplace opening. This increases the heating capacity of the unit. But, that's not all.

Advantages: Other important advantages of direct-vent models include their safety features. Most direct vent fireplaces include a barrier screen as a standard feature. It overlays the glass to prevent burns via accidental contact. The screen can be removed if desired and reinstalled as needed, such as if there will be small children in the room when the fireplace is being used. These models are also extremely versatile when it comes to installation. They are usually accepted for all applications without bathroom or bedroom limitations!

Now, you can enjoy the cozy, romantic ambiance of a flickering flame while you soak in your bathtub or take a shower. This is because direct-vent models are manufactured in a large range of sizes. Small ones generate as little as 5,000 BTUs up to very large models that generate 60,000 BTUs or more.

The versatility of installation can be attributed to the venting system itself. It terminates combustion waste either vertically or horizontally. There are even some models that use a power vent, a technology that allows venting downward or over extended horizontal runs. This type of venting also has different ignition systems available.

Ignition Systems — By far, the most common type of ignition is the standing pilot or millivolt ignition system. The standing pilot generates electricity for the fireplace valve. Thus, outside power or batteries are not required for its operation!

It consists of a standing pilot light and a gas valve that may offer remote or wall switch control. Very basic models have a manual control option at the fireplace. But, the vast majority include a switch block as part of the valve. You can operate the fireplace from an on/off switch or a handheld remote.

Another type of ignition system that is gaining ground is called the intermittent pilot or IPI ignition system. This fuel-saving model uses a spark igniter, an electronic valve, and a control module. The control module sends an electric signal to the spark igniter only when the unit is turned on to spark and light the pilot.

When the system is turned off, the burner and the pilot assembly shut down. This saves gas by not keeping a pilot light burning at all times. This type of ignition system does usually come with a switch that allows a unit to go between the continuous pilot or intermittent pilot operation as well. During very cold spells during the winter, the pilot assembly can be switched to remain lit when the unit is shut down. This keeps the unit warmer while the main burner is not in use, preventing cold drafts around the fireplace. Many of these systems come with a remote control as an included bonus part of the package.

These systems need electricity to operate the electronic components. So, it is wise to install a 120-volt power supply when framing this unit for installation. Most systems offer a battery backup system as well for use during power outages, and a few models can utilize the battery system as the primary power source as well.

Efficiency Rating — If you've made it this far within the article, you've heard the term efficiency used regularly. In this section, we'll explain what that means. You'll also learn why direct-vent units are regarded as some of the most efficient units. You may see words like AFUE or thermal efficiency as you search for a gas fireplace. There is much confusion between these two types of efficiency, simply because not all fireplace manufacturers use the same ratings system.

AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, and it appears as a percentage number. This number identifies the number of BTUs remaining in the firebox after the initial combustion phase.

For example, if a fireplace has a 10,000 BTU input of natural gas, some of the heat output will be lost to the vent as the fuel burns. Let's say 8,600 BTUs are retained in the firebox for heating the home.

The number of BTUs retained in the firebox during the combustion cycle gives you the AFUE percentage. In this case, 8,600 of 10,000 BTUs gives you an AFUE rating of 86 percent. It's worth noting, however, that AFUE numbers are often lower than thermal efficiency ratings. So, it's important to know which efficiency rating is being used when comparing units. We'll explain more in the next section.

Thermal efficiency ratings take the remaining BTUs number after AFUE is factored. It calculates how much of the retained heat transfers into the home. In other words, the thermal efficiency rating lets you know how well your unit will heat your home.

Let's continue with our previous example. Assume that researchers determined that 7,500 BTUs of the remaining 8,600 BTUs in the firebox pass through the glass to heat your home. The rest is either lost to a natural cooling action or absorbed by the chassis of the unit or some other parasitic means.

The point is that 87 percent of the heat transfers from your fireplace into the home. This means the appliance has an 87% thermal efficiency rating. Seeing these clear differences in efficiency ratings, it is understandable how and why people are so confused. Hopefully, the information presented here cleared up a lot of that confusion for you.

Disadvantages: Although difficult to believe, direct vent fireplaces also come with some drawbacks. They do require a fair amount of labor and materials for venting. So, these applications can yield the most upfront cost in comparison to other installation options.

Labor costs largely depend on the availability or presence of an existing gas line. We recommend that you have space where you'd like to install inspected by a professional installer. They can also give you upfront quotes to help with budgeting.

If you decide that a direct-vent model is not right for you, your final option is a vent free gas fireplace. With a nearly perfect thermal efficiency rating, these models offer a cheaper avenue for heating your home.


Also called ventless gas fireplaces, these are the most thermal efficient units on the market. But, they get a bad reputation due to misinformation on the web and a gross lack of understanding.

Some models feature a decorative glass pane in front of their opening. But most vent-free systems, similar to traditional units, are open to the room. As mentioned above, they have no venting system at all. Instead, they use a highly engineered gas burner, an oxygen depletion sensor, and a purpose-built log set or glass media.

These components allow vent free gas fireplaces to burn fuel cleanly and effectively. These gas fireplaces only release heat, carbon dioxide, and water vapor into the room. The systems are limited to 40,000 BTUs of heat output to prevent issues with oxygen depletion.

How Does a Ventless Gas Fireplace Work?

Like all hearth appliances, vent-free units must adhere to environmental protection standards. These standards are put in place to protect both people and the environment in general. To meet this standard, hearth manufacturers build these units with oxygen depletion sensors (ODS). The ODS detect and maintain oxygen levels at 20 to 22 percent for breathing.

To do this, there are small holes in line with the pilot tube that inject a metered level of oxygen to the pilot flame. If oxygen levels begin to drop, the calibration of the pilot flame will be effected, causing it to lift further away from the thermocouple or flame sensor that it is heating. Should the flame drift far enough away due to low oxygen levels, the flame will go out completely, causing the unit to lose voltage and shut down.

Advantages: Since they do not need venting, vent free fireplace models may be installed virtually anywhere in your home, with a couple of restrictions. There just needs to be enough ventilation.

As mentioned earlier, vent-free models are highly efficient. They generate the most heat transference into your home. Not only do they come in various sizes and configurations, but they also offer a realistic-looking flame.

They are ideal heating sources for larger homes or homes with open floor plans. This is because the distribution of by-products from the fireplace can be dispersed effectively. Despite these highly sought-after features, many people are still skeptical about ventless units.

Disadvantages: Due to the nature of their burn, ventless gas fireplaces cannot be used as a primary heating source for your home. First, the lack of ventilation causes airborne particles to float around in the room. These particles can irritate symptoms associated with allergies or upper respiratory conditions. If you suffer from any of these, we recommend you select a different venting method.

Second, these units tend to seep a mildly unpleasant smell during combustion that is intensified in smaller spaces. They also emit significant amounts of water vapor. This results in a bit of condensation on the walls and windows of the room.

Last, vent-free gas units have the most installation limitations of any other gas fireplace. Most regulations protect people from exposure to harmful pollutants, which pose health risks. Others pertain to elevation criteria to ensure the optimal performance of the unit. We provide more details about installation and elevation restrictions in the next sections.

Installation Restrictions: For clarity, it's important to help you understand why the EPA developed restrictions for these appliances in the first place. Vent free gas fireplaces pull oxygen from the room with no means to expel combustion by-products outside of the room, so they threaten air quality.

This results in less breathing air and higher concentrations of toxins. You can imagine how this affects smaller rooms such as bedrooms and bathrooms. Because of this, smaller spaces have installation restrictions and BTU caps. Bedrooms are limited to vent-free appliances with a maximum output of 10,000 BTUs. Bathrooms are bound to units with a cap of 6,000 BTUs.

So, how did they come up with these figures? The calculations are based on a room's ability to support the BTU output of a vent-free appliance. You can determine this yourself, too. Start by calculating the volume of space in a room. To do this, you need to measure the length, width, and height of the room and multiply these figures together.

Next, multiply the volume (W x L x H) of this space by 20 to determine the maximum BTU output the room can handle.

For example, a room with dimensions of 10 feet wide by 12 feet long has 120 square feet. If the room has 9-foot ceilings, the room has 1,080 cubic feet (10' W x 12' L x 9' H = 1,080 cubic feet). To determine the maximum BTUs per hour this space can support, you multiply 1,080 by 20. This equals 21,600 BTUs of output. So, you could buy a vent-free gas fireplace with a maximum of 22,000 BTUs.

Rooms with less than 50 cubic feet of space have what's called confined space restrictions. This is because these spaces support less than 1,000 BTUs of output per hour. A room this size is equivalent to 4 feet wide by 4 feet long and 3' 1/8" tall. It's pretty difficult to find vent free gas fireplaces that emit low enough BTUs for these spaces.

Elevation Restrictions: Ventless gas fireplaces have an oxygen depletion system to detect safe levels of oxygen in a room. However, this detection system is based on oxygen percentages produced at sea level. Areas situated above 4,500 feet of elevation have lower oxygen levels.

As such, vent-free appliances will deplete the oxygen levels in the room faster and fail to keep the pilot lit for ongoing heating. This results in poor efficiency. For this reason, vent free fireplaces must not be installed in areas over 4,500 feet of elevation. To ensure compliance, many countries, states, and municipalities have outlawed ventless fireplaces.

Some of these places include Canada, California, Denver, and New York, to name a few. Other states enforce scenario-based restrictions on homes built before a certain year. Be sure to check with your local municipality to see which restrictions, if any, apply to your area.

How To Use A Gas Fireplace

The procedures for using lighting a gas fireplace are simple, but each fireplace model is different. For this reason, it's essential to review the owner's manual for specific instructions for your appliance. However, there are some universal operation guidelines customary to all gas fireplaces you should know. Instructions largely depend on the type of ignition system housed in the unit.

How To Light A Gas Fireplace: All Models

  • Step 1 — If the fireplace is new to you or you have never used it previously, determine the model of the fireplace. Almost all gas fireplaces have a model number printed on a build sticker or tag within the base of the fireplace. Having this model number will allow you to check against the instructions in your owner's manual for what to expect during the lighting procedure.

  • Step 2 — Review the lighting procedure for your fireplace in the owner's manual. Because some owner's manuals cover several different fireplace versions, be sure you are reviewing the information specific to your model. If you do not have an owner's manual, downloadable versions are usually available via a quick online search.

  • Step 3 — Locate the gas control valve(s) for your fireplace. A properly installed gas fireplace should have a key-operated gas valve located within three feet of the fireplace. These are usually mounted in the wall or floor. Using the gas key, verify if the valve is in the open or closed position. The faceplate will have a label indicating which way is open or closed. For now, place the keyed valve in the closed position.

  • Step 4 — Check for a secondary control valve inside the fireplace. If equipped, this valve will be located in the bottom of the fireplace behind a control panel cover. The bottom control cover will usually hinge downward or will pop loose when pulled on lightly. The gas control valve will usually be a brass valve with a red, yellow, or blue handle. The valve will be attached to the end of the gas feed pipe and the other side will usually have a flexible gas line leading further into the fireplace. If you are able to locate a gas control valve in the bottom of the unit, turn the handle so that it is perpendicular to the gas line.

Millivolt (Standing Pilot) Gas Fireplace Models

  • Step 5 — If you have determined that your fireplace is a model that uses a standing pilot (small pilot flame that burns all the time), you will need to light the pilot before the fireplace can operate. To do this, locate your fireplace control valve in the base of the unit. This will be near the gas line valve in the base of the unit mentioned in the previous step. The gas control valve will usually have control knobs reading "Off" "Pilot" and "On" and possibly a "high" "low" labeled knob. Once you have located the control know, ensure that it is in the "Off" position.

  • Step 6 — With the gas control valve still in the "Off" position, turn both the keyed gas valve and the second gas line valve (if equipped) to the "On" position. Before proceeding further, pause for about 30 seconds to determine if the odor of leaking gas can be detected. If you smell gas, turn both valves back off and contact a plumber to repair the leak.

  • Step 7 — With both the keyed and secondary gas valves open, locate the push-button piezo ignitor for lighting the pilot. This is usually a small black or red push-button control, very similar to what some barbeque grilles use. With the ignitor button located, turn the gas control valve to the "pilot" position. For reference, there is usually a white indicator on both the gas valve and whichever word on the knob aligns with the white indicator signifies the position of the valve. With the gas control valve "pilot" position lined up with the white indicator mark, you can now push in on the control knob.
    While pressing the knob, start pushing the ignitor button once every 3 seconds. As you are doing this, look into the opening of the fireplace and observe the pilot assembly. The pilot assembly will usually be toward the back of the burner and somewhat near the center. Each time you push the ignitor button, you should be able to see a small blue spark. When the system is fully primed with gas, a pilot flame should appear when the ignitor button is pushed.

  • Step 8 — With the pilot flame present, continue holding the gas control knob in for approximately 30 seconds. This allows time for the thermocouple to heat up and create the voltage needed to hold the gas valve open. If the pilot light goes out when the control valve knob is released, repeat Step 7 again, but hold the knob for 60 seconds. If the pilot still goes out after 60 seconds, the thermocouple is likely defective and will need replacement.

  • Step 9 — With the pilot light burning and control knob released, you can now rotate the control valve to the "On" position. Some fireplaces will have no toggle switches or any other controls to activate them and will light immediately. Some models will have a toggle switch labeled "off," "on" and "remote." If your fireplace does not have a remote control, you should be able to turn the switch to the "on" position and the burner will light. If you know your fireplace is controlled by a wall switch or remote, you can now use those controls to operate the fireplace.

IPI (Electronic Ignition) Gas Fireplace Models

  • Step 5 — If your fireplace is an electronic ignition model that does not use a standing pilot, you will need to verify that the fireplace electronics have power before proceeding. Many models will have a transformer that plugs into an outlet within the base of the fireplace, but some models use a 9 volt or 4 "AA" batteries for power. Double-check that any batteries are replaced before starting.

  • Step 6 — With the batteries replaced, turn both the keyed gas valve and the second gas line valve (if equipped) to the "On" position. Before proceeding further, pause for about 30 seconds to determine if the odor of leaking gas can be detected. If you smell gas, turn both valves back off and contact a plumber to repair the leak.

  • Step 7 — You can now attempt ignition of the fireplace via the handheld remote control or wall switch. Electronic ignition fireplaces will light their pilot light automatically, followed shortly after by the main burner. This type of fireplace usually have a specific remote system and we recommend reading the owner's manual to determine all aspects of operation it offers.

Available Style Variations

Although there is some deviation, almost every B-vent fireplace has a "traditional" style — a relatively square opening with screens and a log set. Direct-vent and vent-free versions, on the other hand, have diverged into two distinct categories. They are either traditional with a rectangular or square opening or contemporary with a linear opening.

Traditional models resemble wood-burning fireplaces and have a classic or timeless look to them. They may be free-standing or placed into an enclosure. Contemporary models often feature low and wide openings with the option to add decorative fire media for a more modern look. The term linear also refers to the ribbon of flame created by a very shallow and wide burner in these units. Contemporary models have grown tremendously in popularity over the years.

Crossover designs offer a blend of both traditional and contemporary elements. Models like the Superior DRC2000 series feature classic dimensions. But, they substitute glass media in place of traditional fire logs. Similarly, linear models like the Empire Boulevard linear series also offer log sets to bring them back from modern extremes.

No matter your preference, with so many gas fireplaces for sale, you are sure to find a design that matches your unique style. We've even made it a bit easier for you by providing a list of top brands and manufacturers of gas fireplaces in the industry.

Top 5 Brands and Manufacturers of Gas Fireplaces

Dimplex North America Limited — Headquartered in Cambridge, Ontario, this company is a world leader in electric heating. The company is a member of the Glen Dimplex Group. In 1995, Dimplex made history with their patented electric flame technology. Their electric hearth appliances create an authentic, wood-burning flame pattern.

Empire Comfort Systems — Family-owned for over 87 years, Empire was founded in 1911 by Henry Bauer in Belleville, Illinois. Empire manufactures its products in the United States. And, the company specializes in producing highly-efficient gas hearth appliances. Empire was the first company ever to market a vented gas fireplace with 90-percent efficiency.

Heat & Glo — Founded in a garage in 1975, Ron and Dan Shimek revolutionized the hearth industry. By 1987, the company patented direct-vent gas technology. Their innovations have transformed residential construction for years to come.

Kingsman — It started with the vision of one man, Russell Reyher, who built his first wood-burning stove in 1976. Since then, Kingsman has grown into a reputable company. The company values quality over quantity, ensuring a long-lasting product for its customers.

Majestic — Founded in 1894, the Majestic company has a long-standing history in the hearth industry. The company began by making cast iron furnaces and coal chutes. Now, Majestic produces a wide selection of quality, efficient, and stylish heating appliances.

Recommendations for Safety

We have covered a great deal of helpful information to assist you in your quest for a new gas fireplace. However, you should always follow the manufacturer's guidelines. Also, pay attention to laws pertaining to coding regulations and restrictions in different areas.

When it comes to installation, please make sure to get a qualified expert in your area to do job. If you happen to have more questions along the way, feel free to reach out to one of our NFI certified technicians. They'll be sure to assist you. For an extra piece of advice, we have provided a mini safety checklist below.

Care and Maintenance

The care and maintenance of your fireplace play a major role in how well it functions. We recommend having an installation expert to conduct an annual inspection. They can inspect the fireplace and the venting system for any obvious signs of damage or wear.

Regular care will extend the lifespan and efficiency of your unit. While major issues will likely be handled by a specialist, there are also a few things you should do as well.

  • Visually inspect your appliance for excessive burner or pilot assembly corrosion.
  • Remove any build up of dust or dander from the valve area.
  • Ensure that vent caps are in place and not blocked by debris.
  • Verify that any glass, screen, or door assemblies still operate and seal as they should.

How To Clean A Gas Fireplace

Routine cleaning of your gas fireplace plays a major role in keeping it looking and running like new. Also, doing so keeps the fireplace functioning as it should and helps you detect possible issues early. Before attempting to clean your fireplace, there are a few safety precautions you will need to follow.

  • Step 1 — Make sure your gas fireplace is completely cool to the touch before proceeding with any cleaning. You'll also need to turn the gas supply off to the unit by turning your gas valve to the "off" position. Make sure there are no lingering smells of gas in the fireplace. It's recommended to wait 3-5 minutes to allow gas to exit the supply line in the fireplace. Next, remove any glass covering from the opening of the fireplace (if applicable).

  • Step 2 — If you have gas logs, you'll want to remove them from the fireplace and take them outside of the home before cleaning. It's a good idea to layer some newspapers in the designated cleaning area to prevent dirt and debris from dirtying up the surrounding area. You can use either a soft cloth or soft-bristle brush to wipe away dust, dirt, or other unwanted debris from the logs. You'll want to take your time and not apply too much pressure while cleaning the logs. After they are cleaned, this is the time to check for corrosive indicators such as splitting or charring.

  • Step 3 — Now, remove the lava rocks (if applicable) from the fireplace and place onto some newspaper near the fireplace. Using the hose component or attachment on a vacuum cleaner, suction all loose dirt or dust from the rocks. You'll want to take advantage of this opportunity to vacuum out the firebox and the heat exchanger vent.

  • Step 4 — If you have glass covering the fireplace opening, you'll want to clean it using fireplace glass cleaner before reinserting the fireplace components. Note: Do not use typical ammonia-based glass cleaners like Windex or the like for fireplace glass.

  • Step 5 — For this step, you'll need a clean cloth and a bowl of warm water. Wet the cloth and wring out until the cloth is damp to the touch. Take the cloth and wipe down the firebox for any remaining soot and dirt buildup. Make sure to rinse and wring out the cloth regularly to keep it clean throughout the process. Once the firebox is clean, inspect it for unusual wear and tear. You'll also want to clean the exterior of the fireplace in the same manner as the firebox to remove excess dirt and dust that may have accumulated.

  • Step 6 — In this final step, you'll need to place the cleaned gas logs back into the fireplace. They should be assembled exactly as they were before removing them. Place the clean lava rock around the base of the firelog grate and replace the glass covering (if applicable).

Expected Lifespan

The burner and valve assemblies of modern gas fireplaces are quite durable and can easily last for 20 years with regular maintenance. One of the biggest killers of these units is inactivity, so be sure to use your fireplace at least a few times each season to cycle moving parts and burn off dust.

Signs of wear-and-tear can emerge within 3-5 years if used frequently. You can expect to replace small ignition system parts like knobs, thermocouples, and igniters every 5-7 years.


Most models of gas fireplaces will ship via a freight carrier and arrive on a pallet. Orders consisting of both venting components and a fireplace will also ship freight. When shipped freight, the carrier will arrange a delivery date and time suitable for you. Be mindful that most freight shipments need two people to receive them.

Ventless gas fireplaces ship almost exclusively LTL. This is due to their fragility and packaging materials. Only the smallest ventless gas units ship parcel. No matter how your appliance is shipped, you should examine your packages diligently upon arrival. Doing so allows you to catch damages and return the package to the manufacturer immediately. This also prevents issues with limited warranty restrictions.


We hope you have acquired a great deal of knowledge about gas fireplaces. You've learned about the various types and styles available to you. You also learned about several venting options. By now, you can easily decide which option will work best for your home and your needs.

Try not to go over your budget. If you take our preventative suggestions, this should not be a problem. Remember, the installation location can make or break the bank. So, don't forget to have an installation expert to conduct an inspection of your home before you make a final decision. This will help you construct a realistic budget and timeline for installation.

Last, but not least, enjoy your brand new gas fireplace! We'd love to hear from you, so please send us pictures of the completed work! And as always, if you have any additional questions, our NFI Certified Technicians are always here to help.

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Gas Fireplaces Q&A with the NFI Certified Specialists

* Please Note: All customer questions are answered by our NFI Certified Specialists free of charge!

63 Questions & 63 Answers


from Springfield, OH asked:

July 13, 2017

What is the difference between a millivolt fireplace and an IPI fireplace?

1 Answer

These terms are often mentioned, but rarely gone into with depth and clarity. A millivolt gas valve is a common apparatus that is used in many types of gas appliances. It operates by utilizing a valve containing an electromagnet, attached to a plunger that controls gas flow. Within the combustion chamber and usually directly above the burner is a pilot assembly, which consists of a small gas tube, a thermocouple or thermopile, and an ignitor in most cases. A thermocouple is a small metallic probe that contains a juncture of two dissimilar metals. When heated, the resistance between the metals creates a very small amount of voltage. A thermopile is simply a larger version of a thermocouple and contains multiple chains of these linked junctures. A millivolt style of fireplace will have a manual push knob that initiates the flow of gas to the pilot tube. Utilizing the push button ignitor or a manual lighter, the gas exiting the pilot tube will ignite and begin to heat the thermocouple or thermopile. The resulting voltage being generated will travel back to the gas valve via a copper lead, energizing the electromagnet in the valve. When fully charged, the manual push knob can be released, allowing the pilot to remain lit and the appliance to commence operation. Voltage generated by the pilot is all that is needed for the appliance to work, making this a great low maintenance fireplace, at the cost of a small amount of gas being consumed. An IPI (intermittent pilot ignition) appliance has similiarities to a millivolt appliance. It still uses a gas valve and pilot assembly, but the pilot is not always lit as with a millivolt appliance. Instead, the appliance only lights the pilot when the system is calling for operation. When switched on, an electric spark ignitor begins to fire at the pilot assembly until the flow of gas coming from the pilot tube lights. The flame from the pilot heats a flame rectifier, which is similar to a thermocouple. Instead of generating voltage like a thermocouple, a flame rectifier generates a signal that is sent back to a control module in the appliance. When the module detects the signal, the computer logic tells the ignitor to stop firing and the gas valve to open, commencing operation of the burner. When the system is switched off, both the burner and pilot extinguish, saving fuel by not allowing a pilot to burn while in standby. This type of system usually relies on 120 volt power as a primary supply, with batteries as a backup. In recent years, IPI systems have become very reliable and are on track to outsell millivolt systems in the near future.

Submitted by: eFireplaceStore on July 13, 2017

Most Helpful Answer


from Colorado Springs, CO asked:

July 13, 2017

What is the difference between a vent free fireplace and a direct vent fireplace?

1 Answer

While they share some basic operating principles, there are several differences between these two appliance types that govern where they may or may not be installed. Direct vent appliances utilize a sealed combustion chamber that ensures they do not consume any oxygen from the room. The chamber is sealed with a gasketed pane of tempered or ceramic glass, which is held in place by bolted or spring loaded clasps. The log set is contained behind the glass and can easily be viewed through it. The direct vent pipe facilitates both the emission of burnt gases to the atmosphere and the intake of combustion gases to fuel the fire. Typically, the inner pipe is responsible for exhaust duties, while the outer handles combustion air. The pipe can be vented vertically and even horizontally, over limited distances. Because of their sealed nature, restrictions on installation are few and far between, with the primary limitation being the need for the vent pipe run. Like direct vent appliances, vent free units use a gas valve and burner apparatus, coupled with a log set, fire stones, or fire glass. However, vent free units use no venting system or glass front. They are able to do this due to a strict limitation on BTU output and requirements imposed on the media they can use over the burner. Because they do not require vent pipe, they are extremely versatile in how they may be installed, however they also have state by state limitations. In states where they are allowed, they can be a fantastic supplemental heat source for limited durations. For additional information and considerations to look into before working with an installer, we recommend reviewing our purchasing missteps article. For the handy homeowners that have already made a selection, our fireplace installation article is a useful guide to get you to the finish line.

Submitted by: eFireplaceStore on July 13, 2017

Most Helpful Answer

Can you use glass stones in a non vented fireplace?

1 Answer

This would only be acceptable if the glass stones were made and approved for use with the unit by the manufacturer of the fireplace.�

Submitted by: Brennan W. on November 21, 2021

Most Helpful Answer


from Scottsdale, AZ asked:

October 13, 2021

Can I change out my old gas fireplace logs with something more modern like birch logs? Can I also change out the mateiral in the bottom of my fireplace with rocks? Some places say you will have to replace your fireplace to change the logs out.

1 Answer

Indeed, it depends on the manufacturer and model of your existing fireplace as to whether or not you can swap out a burner and log set.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on October 13, 2021

Most Helpful Answer


from Irving, TX asked:

April 8, 2021

Can a battery backup be added to an existing ipi fireplace?

1 Answer

Depending on the make/model of fireplace that you have, there should be a battery backup already installed or the wires for a battery backup to be installed already included on your fireplace. Please reference your owner's manual for the location of the battery backup.

Submitted by: Aaron D. on April 9, 2021

Most Helpful Answer

Ruth N

from Mercer Island, WA asked:

March 27, 2021

We have an Empire DVCD42FP3ON-1.  The inside of the glass is discolored and fogged. Can we remove the glass to clean or replace the glass?

1 Answer

Yes, please reference the owners manual on the proper procedure to remove the glass.� Once removed, a quality gas fireplace glass cleaner will work to clean the glass.�

Submitted by: Aaron D. on March 29, 2021

Most Helpful Answer


from Lancaster, VA asked:

March 20, 2021

I am having a really hard time finding a new remote for some Empire gas logs. I need the remote �MERTIK MAXITROL� Model G6R-H3T5 or is there a newer remote that would also work?

1 Answer

That model does not seem to be current. This remote is the current remote for use with Maxitrol valves in Empire gas appliances. The receiver for this remote has two different-sized wire fittings to assure correct connection to the Maxitrol GV60 valve.

Submitted by: Nevins P. on March 20, 2021

Most Helpful Answer

BA Schenk

from Asheville NC asked:

March 3, 2021

Do you carry vented fireplaces that do not require a glass front?

1 Answer

B-Vent gas fireplaces do not require a glass front.� You can see our full selection here.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on March 3, 2021

Most Helpful Answer

James H

from Arlington, TX asked:

February 17, 2021

Are there gas fireplaces that produce heat for the home when the electricity goes out?

1 Answer

Yes, you can install either a direct vent gas fireplace or a vent-free gas fireplace for supplemental heat.� For more information, please see our Gas Fireplace and Stove Buying Guide.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on February 17, 2021

Most Helpful Answer


from Port Townsend, WA asked:

February 15, 2021

Are free-standing gas stoves more efficient than gas fireplaces serving as the main heating in a small house?

1 Answer

Both type appliances - built-in direct vent gas fireplaces and freestanding direct vent gas stoves - are available with similar BTU and efficiency ratings.�

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on February 16, 2021

Most Helpful Answer

Ken C

from Napa, CA asked:

January 28, 2021

How much propane do your units use?

1 Answer

The amount of LP a stove uses depends on the BTU usage and the amount of time it is run for.

Submitted by: Owen O. on January 28, 2021

Most Helpful Answer


from MA asked:

January 23, 2021

How to replace an existing 18,000 BTU unit with a 30,000 BTU unit?

1 Answer

The first thing to check is the available size when the original model is removed, compared to the size of the new model.� Additionally, you will likely need to replace the existing vent pipe with a larger size.�

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on January 26, 2021

Most Helpful Answer

Kelly B

from Lebanon, PA asked:

January 3, 2021

Can you put a gas fireplace in a spot that was made for a wood stove?

1 Answer

Perhaps, as this will depend on the size of the opening and the type of gas fireplace you wish to install in it.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on January 4, 2021

Most Helpful Answer


from St. James, MO asked:

August 23, 2020

What size gas line is required for a ventless fireplace with a max btu/hr?

1 Answer

Gas line size requirements depend on a specific model's installation instructions, as well as local gas code.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on August 24, 2020

Most Helpful Answer


from Michigan asked:

August 9, 2020

Can you have a combustible material (such as wood) hearth with a zero clearance ventless gas fireplace?

1 Answer

Most gas fireplaces do not require a noncombustible hearth in front of the fireplace.� However, each model has specific requirements, so we would advise checking this for any individual/specific unit.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on August 10, 2020

Most Helpful Answer

Anthony M

from Saratoga, NY asked:

July 1, 2020

What�re your thinnest options?

1 Answer

Our thinnest gas fireplace option would be the Empire Boulevard SL Vent-Free Linear Gas Fireplace.  This gas fireplace is designed to fit into a 2x6 framed opening.  You can find it here.

Submitted by: Aaron D. on July 2, 2020

Most Helpful Answer

John J

from Rehoboth Beach, DE asked:

June 8, 2020

Do they make gas fireplaces with glass doors that can be opened while in use or do ventless fireplaces have to have a semi-permanently installed glass front over the firebox?

1 Answer

Actually, ventless gas fireplaces will not have any glass concealing the front since fireplaces of this type must remain open to the home to function. Direct vent gas fireplaces will have a fixed glass window that is only removed for maintenance purposes while B-vent gas fireplaces will indeed have optional glass doors that function just like the doors with your wood fireplace, however, B-vent fireplaces have largely been replaced with more efficient direct vent gas fireplaces as they add no efficiency and must be vented vertically through the roof. Subsequently, the selection of B-vent gas fireplaces is very limited. There are ventless fireboxes and fireplaces that have optional doors available, but these are decorative mesh doors and not glass.

Submitted by: Will M. on June 8, 2020

Most Helpful Answer


from Atlanta, GA asked:

May 23, 2020

Is it acceptable to build a firebox for a gas insert out of granite?

1 Answer

An insert requires a fully-functional, noncombustible fireplace with a functional chimney in place.  If you are constructing an enclosure for use with a zero-clearance gas fireplace, then, yes, the granite would be fine to use.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on May 26, 2020

Most Helpful Answer


from Wilmington, NC asked:

April 8, 2020

Do you sell a basket with artificial coal to fit into my two urban fireplaces?

1 Answer

Yes, we do carry those coal baskets.

Submitted by: Owen O. on April 8, 2020

Most Helpful Answer

Wayne B.

from Saratoga, NY asked:

April 7, 2020

Do you have a brick liner kit for a Superior fireplace dr500cmn, or one that will work?

1 Answer

We apologize but that liner kit has been discontinued.

Submitted by: Kathy O. on April 8, 2020

Most Helpful Answer


from Placerville, CA asked:

April 5, 2020

Is this unit allowed in California?

1 Answer

Indoor vent-free products are not allowed in the entire State of California.

Submitted by: Owen O. on April 6, 2020

Most Helpful Answer


from Vermont asked:

January 25, 2020

Can I add a Honeywell RTH9580WF Wi-Fi Smart Touchscreen thermostat to my gas fireplace?

1 Answer

Whether or not you can do this depends on the type of gas fireplace you have and its valve/ignition control.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on January 27, 2020

Most Helpful Answer


from Columbus, OH asked:

January 15, 2020

Can you replace an existing standing pilot gas log fireplace unit with an electronic ignition system?

1 Answer

If this is a dedicated gas fireplace and not a wood burning fireplace with a set of gas logs installed, then a basic standing pilot system may not be upgraded to provide electronic spark ignition of the pilot and burner flame. To add this functionality, the existing fireplace would have to be removed and replaced with a fireplace that provides electronic spark ignition.�

Submitted by: Will M. on January 15, 2020

Most Helpful Answer


from Charlotte, NC asked:

December 22, 2019

We have an outdoor wood-burning fireplace with a natural gas starter. We would like to put in gas logs. Wondering if there are any logs that provide more radiant heat as you would get from a radiant heater?

1 Answer

All of the gas logs will produce a radiant heat. They do have varying BTU's and max out around 90K for a vented set.

Submitted by: Owen O. on December 23, 2019

Most Helpful Answer


from Colorado asked:

December 14, 2019

I am looking for a direct-vent unit (with a blower) that could be vented vertically (like a B-vent unit) up the chimney chase that would hide any makeup air intake so that it looked more like a woodburning unit. Anything between 36 and 42 inches would be satisfactory. Do you have a suggestion as to which  of the units you sell might meet these requirements?

1 Answer

For best efficiency, we would recommend either a Tahoe Premium or Luxury louvered direct vent gas fireplace.  You can see these models on pages 3 (Premium) and 4 (Luxury) of this brochure:  Empire Tahoe Direct Vent Gas Fireplaces.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on December 16, 2019

Most Helpful Answer


from South Carolina asked:

December 12, 2019

We have a "Heat & Glo" gas fireplace that is two-sided. We need a replacement metal screen that fits in this panel and can't seem to find a replacement. Any way you can help?

1 Answer

Unfortunately, Heat N Glo products and replacement parts are not offered online and must be purchased through local Heat N Glo dealers.�

Submitted by: Will M. on December 12, 2019

Most Helpful Answer


from Tigard, OR asked:

November 16, 2019

How would I add a new blower to an older fireplace?

1 Answer

To install a blower in any existing fireplace where one has not been previously installed, you will want to ensure that 120v was supplied to the receptacle included with the fireplace during the framing phase of installation. To locate the proper blower for your product, we will have to know the make and model number. If you need help locating this information, please read this article.�

Submitted by: Will M. on November 19, 2019

Most Helpful Answer

Skip G.

from Whispering Pines, NC asked:

November 14, 2019

Can you replace a burner with a larger burner that will provide more and higher flame?

1 Answer

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change out the burner in a prefabricated fireplace for a larger one or one with more BTU output.

Submitted by: Brennan W. on November 14, 2019

Most Helpful Answer


from West Orange, NJ asked:

November 5, 2019

I rent and have a ventless gas fireplace. When I turned on the unit, the smell was unbearable. I was told by the building manager that I had to open windows when I used the unit. I tried this and it was just as bad.  I decided to remove all the fake logs and turn on the unit - there were no fumes and we kept it on for 1/2 hour and it was fine. How could this be?

1 Answer

All ventless gas hearth systems require annual cleaning and maintenance to avoid excessive odors and any potential carbon monoxide from being released, however, some ventless systems with decorative logs composed of ceramic fiber material will always have an odor as the logs begin to deteriorate. Unlike the far-superior refractory ceramic material used with higher-quality ventless gas log systems, ceramic fiber is semi-porous, impossible to thoroughly clean, and will break down over time.�

Submitted by: Will M. on November 6, 2019

Most Helpful Answer

Jean B.

from Chillicothe, MO asked:

November 4, 2019

Where can I find someone to install my gas unit?

1 Answer


from Outer Banks, NC asked:

November 2, 2019

I have a gas fireplace that has the box enclosed outside the house in a chimney looking enclosure.  The inside wall becomes warm when the fireplace is on.  Is there some way to prevent this?

1 Answer

The walls and surfaces above gas fireplaces typically get warm. There is no way to reduce this, other than the lower the heat output on the fireplace itself.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on November 4, 2019

Most Helpful Answer

Clyde Sansing

from Hideaway, TX asked:

October 31, 2019

We have a wood-burning fireplace. Is it possible to come through the F/P liner and exterior wall to install gas logs, lighter, etc.?

1 Answer

If your woodburning fireplace is a manufactured model, you will need to confirm via the manufacturer's information as to whether or not a gas line can be run inside the unit for a gas log set.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on October 31, 2019

Most Helpful Answer

Terrill Y.

from Stoughton, MA asked:

October 15, 2019

I turned my gas-powered fireplace off for the summer. After relighting it this fall I can�t get it to work now. I was able to light the pilot however I can�t get the rest of the burner to light. What should be my next move? Can I fix this myself or do I have to have a repairman fix it?

1 Answer

There may be a burner orifice blockage or other issue related to gas pressure.� We would recommend having a licensed professional (such as a plumber) service the unit.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on October 15, 2019

Most Helpful Answer

Can you explain the difference between a contour burner and a slope glaze burner?

1 Answer

While they are both Empire burners, each has a burn port pattern designed to accommodate different media. For example, the Whiskey River log set can only sit atop a Contour burner, while the Super Charred Oak set would require the Slope Glaze burner.

Submitted by: Cortney O. on October 8, 2019

Most Helpful Answer


from Seattle WA asked:

August 14, 2019

Is rear and top vent is same concept as direct vent?

1 Answer

Some direct vent fireplaces have a dedicated top or rear vent connection, while many others have both a top and rear vent connection. To make sure you are browsing only direct vent models, make sure the product title or description also describes the fireplace as direct vent.�

Submitted by: Will M. on August 14, 2019

Most Helpful Answer

Bob W

from Ruckersville, VA asked:

July 18, 2019

Should the pilot light be turned off during the summer?

1 Answer

The pilot light should most definitely be turned off in the warmer months because leaving the pilot flame on will cause excess wear on the thermopile.

Submitted by: Will M. on July 19, 2019

Most Helpful Answer


from Ocean View, NJ asked:

March 11, 2019

Does the Empire Tahoe deluxe clean face direct vent gas fireplace with remote ready millivolt control come with gas logs?

1 Answer

That fireplace does indeed come with gas logs.

Submitted by: Brennan W. on March 12, 2019

Most Helpful Answer


from Oxford Michigan asked:

April 9, 2018

Looking for a blower for my gas fireplace Model is Superior and the model number is DR-500CMN

1 Answer

An electrical outlet box (receptacle) is factory - provided for the installation of the FBK-100 Single Speed, FBK-200 Variable Speed Automaticand FBK-250 Variable Speed with Thermostatic Switch forced air blower kits which can all be found on our site.

Submitted by: Kelsey C. on April 9, 2018

Most Helpful Answer


from klamath falls, oregon asked:

March 26, 2018

do the hearths or mantles pictured come with the fireplaces? I am building a new home and just starting to shop.

1 Answer

For the vast majority of our fireplaces, the mantels/hearths pictured with the unit is not included with the purchase. Moreover, most of the time these are custom pieces for the stock photos. However, we do offer some units with corresponding/compatible mantel cabinets for enclosure.

Submitted by: Tyler M. - NFI Master Hearth Professional on March 27, 2018

Most Helpful Answer


from San Diego asked:

January 29, 2018

Why are gas fireplaces with direct vent from the top more expensive than vent free? Seems counter intuitive. I have a gas fireplace from the 80's and it needs to be replaced. Do I really need to spend $3000.00 dollars for sheet metal lined with ceramic bricks?

1 Answer

Direct vent gas fireplaces are more expensive due to the cost of manufacturing, the solid glass front utilize and the engineering involved. Please note we do sell many models in the $1,100-$1,200 price range; the $3,000+ models are typically the high-end luxury models with many bells and whistles.

Submitted by: Tyler M. on January 30, 2018

Most Helpful Answer


from Williston, VT asked:

January 22, 2018

When we look at widths, is the width specified for the glass, or the box? We are trying to figure out the right size for our living room.

1 Answer

The fireplace size, 36 or 42, etc., will be the width of the finished opening. This will include the firebox opening and some of the black metal facing and the front glass, with direct vent fireplaces.

Submitted by: Will M. on January 23, 2018

Most Helpful Answer


from Southlake, TX asked:

December 24, 2017

Can the Superior Model BBV-42RMN B-Vent Gas fireplace flame height be adjusted?

1 Answer

This particular model has a fixed flame height that may not be adjusted.

Submitted by: Will M. on December 26, 2017

Most Helpful Answer

Lawrence B.

from Cheyenne, WY asked:

December 21, 2017

Do you need to run the electric fan on a fireplace all the time?

1 Answer

No, you do not need to run a fireplace fan constantly.

Submitted by: Owen on December 21, 2017

Most Helpful Answer

Revondra M

from Lanham, MD asked:

December 11, 2017

I have a wood burning stove. I want to convert it to a propane fire place. Is this possible? I do not have natural gas in my area.

1 Answer

It would depend on the Make and Model of the unit. Some are convertible and some are not.

Submitted by: Owen on December 11, 2017

Most Helpful Answer

Perry S

from Brooklyn, NY asked:

November 23, 2017

I have a Napoleon W660-0122 remote. I want to get a fireplace that's compatible. Is Napoleon "connector" like a universal thing?

1 Answer

No, Napoleon has different remotes for some of their units.

Submitted by: Owen on November 24, 2017

Most Helpful Answer


from VA asked:

November 18, 2017

For a Majestic model# 39BDVR RN fireplace, where is the thermocouple located and what does it look like?

1 Answer

The thermocouple will be attached to your pilot assembly. It is a small cylindrical piece of metal that is being heated by your pilot light.

Submitted by: Brennan W. on November 19, 2017

Most Helpful Answer


from Suffolk, VA asked:

November 14, 2017

I have a 14 year old Majestic fireplace model# 39BDVR RN with a SIT Nova control knob. When I tried to light the pilot this year, it would not stay lit. I turned the control knob to pilot and lit it with the ignitor switch, held the knob in for 1 minute and released the knob and the pilot light would not stay lit.

1 Answer

Your thermocouple is likely not recognizing the pilot flame, which is causing it to shut off when you let go of the knob. You will want to clean the thermocouple with a piece of emery cloth or high grit (1000) sandpaper. This should resolve the issue.

Submitted by: Brennan W. on November 14, 2017

Most Helpful Answer


from NY asked:

November 9, 2017

Can a 62" ventless gas fireplace, 42000 to 45 BTUs, be installed below a 62" monitor without arming the monitor?

1 Answer

At that BTU level, it is not recommended that a monitor be placed above the fireplace.

Submitted by: Brennan W. on November 9, 2017

Most Helpful Answer


from Benton, PA asked:

November 2, 2017

I have a fireplace with a Heatilator to burn wood. It is double walled steel and in between the walls is an air space that circulates the warm air. This has a damper leading into a masonry chimney with a smoke shelve. If I get a vented gas log fireplace and open the damper about 1/2 to 1 inch, would this be sufficient for a 50 to 70 k BTU log set?

1 Answer

You are advised to open your damper completely when using a vented gas log set.

Submitted by: Kelsey C. on November 2, 2017

Most Helpful Answer


from Cambridge, IA asked:

October 16, 2017

Is there anyway to heat your house with the units even if the power is out?

1 Answer

Our electronic ignition units generally come with battery backup systems that will allow them to turn on in the event of a power outage.

Submitted by: Brennan W. on October 17, 2017

Most Helpful Answer

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